Schools Does your school have either sports teams or special needs students? We guarantee to be able to show you how your students can improve a wide range of skills through wobbleboard training. Benefits will include both physical and mental prowess. Physically, wobble board users can expect better balance, coordination and reflexes along with improved joint strength and flexibility. Improvements in the above skills will help immensely with confidence and motivation issues. The proprioceptive enhancement program will greatly assist students who have poor balance, are poorly coordinated or clumsy, and for students suffering from dyslexia, dyspraxia, etc. and may even be regarded as offering a cure. Special offer for schools. A 25% discount on purchases of four or more boards from within your school, plus we will conduct the first training session free of charge (travel costs still apply). We are prepared to guarantee a performance improvement in your students (physical and mental). Contact us for details. |
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